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The benifit of using barcode label software and normal printer to generate barcode labels.
Aulux Barcode label maker software is a tool that allows...
Use Aulux barcode label maker to manage your goods in a shop.
Aulux barcode label software is a tool that allows you...

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Activate the bridge effect of 2D barcode between the social media and offline business

Aulux offers customized 2D barcode printing services. It can connect a variety of social media and offline activities and businesses as a bridge. Explore and develop the commercial value of 2D barcode actively. Aulux Barcode label Maker achieves the following four application scenarios:
1. Attention to people. We may find more and more business cards printed with the 2D barcode, most of the time through the scan can automatically enter the contact information on the phone. Aulux can produce a 2D barcode on a business card, scan the printed 2D bar code, direct to achieve social networking software concerns.
2.Vouchers. Scan Aulux produced in the brochure, poster or store anywhere who has the 2D barcode, you can automatically get a certain amount of vouchers, and send forward messages on the social network to achieve secondary transmission. This provides another means for tracking the effectiveness of a business promotion.
3.Lucky draw. Similar to the voucher function, through the 2D barcode scanning users can participate in business launched sweepstakes. In this regard Aulux has been through the cooperation with the campus experience to try, accumulated a successful case.
4.Sign in. The user completes the checkout by scanning the 2D barcode printed by the Aulux software.
It is no doubt that social marketing has the big value to businesses and brand. And how to effectively use and evaluate the spread of social media, the activation of the interaction of the process of interaction, is still a starting proposition. Aulux's solution is a small 2D barcode. It is also a 2D barcode to promote a bottleneck over the years, the lack of support for large-scale application of 2D barcode and channels. From this point of view, Aulux's solution, both from the technical application and brand marketing point of view, are looking for a good cut point. The challenge lies in the process of popularizing smartphones (2D barcode scanning and the use of habits), how to better use and track the 2D barcode of this technology to the value of businesses and brands, through interaction to create new value.